Dear Servant & Disciple of our Lord:
Wars - nation rising against nation famines pestilences - earthquakes(Matthew 24) violence - moral corruption deterioration of the family etc. these signs of the times loudly declare that the end of this world is at the door. It is past the time for all Gods children in every nation, kindred, tongue, and people (Revelation 14:6,7) to unite and proclaim the everlasting gospel and the second coming of our Savior.
With all our influence as co-laborers with/for the Master we must warn, reach, and teach others, from the rising of the sun to the setting of the same. Further, we must mightily encourage and teach all fellow believers to be constant witnesses for their Lord. The Bible says all are not prophets, preachers, or teachers, but all must understand in this last hour of earths history that we all are called to be witnesses. We are saved to save! We are blessed in order that we might bear witness! We are redeemed to serve! This truth needs to begin to permeate throughout all Christendom. All Christians have a job. All of the Masters disciples are witnesses twenty-four hours a day seven days a week. We are in the end of time and millions around us are perishing for the Light. Each child of God must decide to make himself/herself a committee of one to be an unceasing witness. Then and only then will we as a whole body be united and effective. Then and only then will Gods chosen ones rock the world, free souls from the enemy, and bring to this earth the Eternal Kingdom of our Lord.
My wife and I have founded a non-profit self-supporting, tax-exempt organization in Gods name called Gods Final Call & Warning, Inc. In our home we have a very large food and clothing bank/pantry. We service literally hundreds of needy persons weekly/monthly. We also work very closely with any number of local churches. Also our ever increasing web page is ministering to millions worldwide.
We would like to visit your town/country. We would consider it an honor, and the call of God to receive an invitation from you to come to one of your worship services to encourage the body of Christ to fulfill the great commission of Matthew 28:18-20. We also run evangelistic efforts and cursades. Often we teach layman how to witness.
It is our sincere desire, hope, and mission to arouse Gods people to be about their Fathers Business. A sad reality is that Gods professed people are too often inactive or passive when it comes to being fishers or men. Modern-day Christians are too relaxed and unconcerned about the eternal destiny of their fellowman. Far too many are seeking selfish comfort, carnal pleasure and the riches of this doomed world. Our people need to be awakened to their God-given duties in His vineyard for lost souls.
We are presently visiting a different state every month with our earnest message to awaken Gods army. We will be visiting other continents this year, and by the grace of God for many years to come until the end of time itself. As fellow believers in the Lord we request your financial support, and hope that it is in your heart to extend an invitation to us to come and mightily encourage your company of believers to finish the mystery of God and work of Righteousness in the earth. This, according to Gods Word is the way we as (weak, yet strong) children of the King of Kings live to work to hasten His Second Coming.
Bless the Lord at all times! Remembering that in Christ all things work together for the good of His chosen ones. Now God bless you from the rising of the sun until the setting of the same, and then all night too! May God open the windows of heaven and pour upon you and your company a blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it! Looking to hear from you immediately.
In service for the Master, Your Servant Bro. Ralph Rhyne